20 results for tag: Fundraising
Community Craft Fair – July
These new monthly events aim to be a lovely crafternoon for the whole community to enjoy welcoming craft stalls along with community and charity stalls and a warm and friendly welcome each month to our community venue in Hucknall.
There will be a cakes and refreshments area to raise funds for our registered charities and a children’s activity corner for younger visitors. Our hope is to provide a place to meet and catchup in the local area and shop some wonderful creatives and sip.
We hope to welcome new stall holders selling crafts, gifts, books and beauty as well as regular stall holders who have stood with us in the past at our festive ...
Spring Fayre
We're intending to hold a Spring Fayre on Sunday 17th March at the John Godber Centre, Hucknall, Nottingham, NG15 7FQ.
The event is a more traditional Fayre in partnership with our Churches, St Mary Magdalene Church and St John the Evangelist and is hoped to involve community groups as well as business stalls.
There will be a raffle and cakes/refreshments to raise funds for the Churches as well as traditional stalls such as chocolate tombola, water and wine stall etc.
Alongside these we hope to welcome stall holders selling crafts, gifts, books and beauty to make it a lovely crafternoon for the community!
The John Godber Centre and its ...
Indoor Christmas Market 2023
Come along to our fantastic indoor Christmas Market 2023!
There'll be plenty of stalls for all your Christmas needs, including: Tombola, Cakes, Beauty, Jewellery, Gifts, Books, Cards, Crafts, and much, much more!
We've a bar, hot refreshments and local real ales and gin!
Part of the Hucknall Christmas Light Switch on
To book a stall contact Kim our Centre Manager via email reception@johngodbercentre.co.uk
Fundraiser and Coffee Morning
Fundraiser and coffee morning organised by Slimming World and its members to raise funds for the family of Tanya Young. More information and the Go Fund Page can be found here –
The John Godber Centre is supporting the Slimming World team and its members by co-ordinating bookings for craft stalls. The event will feature cake stalls and refreshments, tombola's and raffles and all proceeds (including the stall fees) will be donated to the family and Tanya.
Tanya ran two Slimming World groups at the John Godber Centre for many years and has been a dear friend to so many of ...
Defibrillator purchased for community venue thanks to fundraising
Defibrillator purchased for community venue thanks to funds raised by Hucknall U3A plus generosity of an anonymous donor.
The John Godber Centre is pleased to share that a portable defibrillator has been purchased to be used in the community venue at the heart of Hucknall. The Centre is home to over 50 groups and businesses and used for private parties, events, live theatre and shows as well as activities for all ages throughout the week.
Hucknall U3A, who use the John Godber Centre for numerous interest groups as well as their monthly meetings, decided to raise funds for a defibrillator for the building and made a donation to the equipment of ...
The Spyke Golding Challenge Winner Announced at Hucknall Beer Festival 2023
The Spyke Golding Challenge Winner Announced at Hucknall Beer Festival 2023
The list of the brewers for the entries to the competition were confirmed as -
Beer A - Totally Brewed, beer name Small Batch 16
Beer B - Magpie Brewery
Beer C - Lincoln Green Brewing Company, beer name Papplewick Witch
Beer D - Castle Rock collaboration with Saltbeer Factory
Beer E - Blue Monkey
Beer F - Nottingham Brewery
Beer G - Navigation
Beer H- Kings Clipstone, beer name Kings Twist
Beer I - Shipstones / Hollowstone
Beer J - Lenton Lane
Voting closed on Saturday 11th during the lunchtime session and the following was announced by Nottingham CAMRA - ...
Table Top Sale for St Mary Magdalene & St Johns Churches
Sunday 5th February 1pm to 3pm
Do you want to grab a bargain or sell your unwanted items? Declutter and help your local churches?
From baby items to books, clothes to coffee mugs all items welcome as well as crafters and charities.
Free entry for those look to buy with refreshments on sale raising funds to support St. Mary Magdalene, Hucknall and St John's Church Hucknall
To book a stall please contact the team on 0115 963 9633 or by email to reception@johngodbercentre.co.uk
Graduation and Fundraiser – Lovelace Theatre Group
The Lovelace Theatre Group present their summer graduation and fundraiser.
Doors open 12.30pm
Show starts 1.30pm
Come along and grab a slice of cake and refreshments.
Join in the fun on the raffle & tombolas and even get your face painted
Then sit back, relax and enjoy the Lovelace Theatre Group Juniors showcase at 1.30pm
£1.50 entrance fee
Hucknall Beer Festival 2020 Day 4
13th-16th February 2020 - Hucknall Beer Festival
The annual Hucknall Beer Festival takes place 13th to 16th February 2020, supported by Nottingham CAMRA.
The festival is a charity fundraiser for the John Godber Centre, registered charity 1132272
Hucknall Beer Festival 2020 Day 3
13th-16th February 2020 - Hucknall Beer Festival
The annual Hucknall Beer Festival takes place 13th to 16th February 2020, supported by Nottingham CAMRA.
The festival is a charity fundraiser for the John Godber Centre, registered charity 1132272