UPDATE 27 01 2022 12pm – this page will be updated regularly
The John Godber Centre COVID-19 Update regarding Lifting of Plan B restrictions
From today all measures under Plan B have been lifted in England and face coverings will not be required by law in indoor venues, we return to our pre 10th December risk assessment. It is still recommended that people wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed spaces where they might come into contact with people they do not normally meet and the John Godber Centre will always continue to encourage Government advice.
We understand there will be anxieties about this news and how people feel about the wearing of face coverings at this time. Hirers will have their own plans and measures in place for their sessions, classes and activities taking place in the venue and we support your decisions for the wellbeing of your customers and members who you know best, whether you continue to ask for face coverings to be worn or not.
As a venue we are continuing to maintain our no queuing and waiting policy within the public areas to reduce the risk of close contacts with other users and staff, particularly in spaces with low ventilation, when moving around the venue. This no waiting policy means we help reduce the risk of mixing in the corridors and reception area between classes for the benefit of our team and venue users. This policy will remain in place for the foreseeable future to ensure everyone feels comfortable about visiting the John Godber Centre, where people may/may not be wearing face coverings and help ensure there is a reduced chance of entering a busy enclosed space and mixing with others for those who do not wish to.
We’re still regularly sanitising high contact points as well as our daily and regular deep cleaning. Sanitiser stations remain at the entrance and exits to the building and outside of our toilets and hirers are also encouraged to provide during their sessions.
We hope this helps to understand the most recent changes in guidance and what we’re doing in the venue. We wish to show kindness and understanding to everyone’s needs and anxieties who use and work in the venue and thank everyone for their ongoing understanding and support.
Updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 10 12 21 10am – this page will be updated regularly
The John Godber Centre COVID-19 Update regarding Face coverings
From Friday 10th December as a community venue the wearing of face coverings by the public, and staff in public facing areas, will be mandatory in the John Godber Centre unless exempt.
Copying previous advice – people are expected to wear a face covering BEFORE entering a community building and must keep it on UNTIL they leave (and have exited the building) unless there is a reasonable excuse for removing it.
As the Government releases guidance for each sector hirers will update their customers/guests on their own rules and guidelines for their activities within their hired rooms. Within the public areas however face coverings should be worn where you may come into contact with others and we have displayed our previous face covering signage in the public areas to advise this.
We are working with the guidance that face coverings are not required in any hospitality settings (such as cafes or bars) within venues, or areas which are mainly being used for eating, drinking and dancing. Over the coming few weeks hospitality events are able to be hosted in separate areas and different times.
Those visiting the Portland room on the first floor should use the rear Car Park entrance only, those visiting the ground floor spaces should use the reception Ogle Street entrance.
The John Godber Centre continues to operate a no queuing or waiting policy in reception and it’s public corridors to support transitory passing in areas where there is low ventilation, this will remain in place as part of our own venue risk assessment regardless of the new face coverings rule or weather changes.
In addition please continue to use sanitiser when entering the venue and regularly during your visit. The Centre team are regularly cleaning high contact points throughout the day as well as hirers in sessions.
Some people are not able to wear face coverings, and the reasons for this may not be visible to others. Please be mindful and respectful of such circumstances and show kindness.
As a multi-purpose venue we are continuing to review and implement Government advice as it is available but as we have found over the past 21 months this isn’t always immediate or clear and often requires review and further clarification. At times we’ve had to delve into and question legal details or await updates from other bodies so the above is subject to change.
For now the only COVID changes relate to the wearing of face coverings but please do check with your hirer or host about their own plans and we will communicate as soon as possible any changes to the above. We will always look to quickly answer questions where we can and support anxieties. The wellbeing and safety of our team and all who use and work in the John Godber Centre will always be our highest priority.
Thank you for the support to all those who can wear a covering, and for the kindness shown to those who can’t at this time.
Updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 17.07.2021 10am – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Reopening Update – Lifting of Restrictions 19th July
We’re pleased to hear of the lifting of restrictions from the 19th July following the latest Government announcement and appreciate the lifting of legal restrictions will be both a relief and a cause of anxiety to many.
The John Godber Centre leadership teams have been reviewing and discussing the latest information and our plans for the coming months and how best we can support all who use and work in the John Godber Centre.
COVID-19 has not gone away and cases remain high and rising in the community and the building is well used by various age groups, types of activities and does have vulnerable users. Cases of self-isolation continue to be a concern which will remain in place until later in the summer when more of the population has been fully vaccinated.
We are therefore planning a cautious and careful lifting of measures within the John Godber Centre, particularly the public areas where people are likely to come into contact with others.
We take our responsibilities as an employer and business very seriously and want to play our part to look after our team and those using our community venue and though the responsibility has moved from a legal requirement to a personal recommendation there are some measures we can continue to do for the foreseeable future to help keep the risk of transmission low.
This will include:
Hirers will have full discretion about their approach to activities in their rooms which they are responsible for and we understand and support any additional measures or relaxing of steps for their class or group. They will know best and understand the needs and feelings of attendees with regards to COVID and the right steps for them.
We’re proud of all the efforts made by hirers, staff and volunteers throughout the pandemic to reduce the risk of transmission and we will continue to do all we can to minimise the risk to all and respond to any new advice or public health measures as necessary and hope that everyone will understand our cautious approach in keeping some measures in place beyond the 19th July for the benefit of all.
The venue is many things, a place of celebration, a place of community and a place of business. We are fortunate to be home to so many groups and activities and have seen an increase in interest in the building and its timetable. It is important to us that we consider the feelings and wellbeing of all who work and use the venue as we move forwards during the coming months. The safety and wellbeing of our team and the people who visit and use the venue will always be our highest priority.
We’re thankful for the support and kind words about our plans and understanding that a lot of time, care and thought has gone into ensuring we adhered to guidance and protected our team, users and charitable aims throughout the last 16 months. We’re pleased that things will be moving to a more positive and normal place and we can welcome back all groups, socials and life events in the coming weeks.
We will be in contact with hirers directly to discuss their plans and please contact us if you have any concerns about the lifting of measures, now or at anytime in the future.
Updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 21st June 2021 9.00am – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Reopening Update and Covid-19 Risk Assessment
Following the most recent Government update we can confirm that restrictions will continue for community venues and a move to Step 4 will be delayed until the 19th July 2021. The John Godber Centre will continue operating for those groups and activities who have been able to resume in previous steps.
We look forward to welcoming social events when possible, anticipated in Step 4 and our bars will reopen later this summer.
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 18.05.21 11.00pm – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Reopening Update and Covid-19 Risk Assessment
Following the most recent Government update for community venues we are able to welcome back fitness groups, adult wellbeing and support groups in addition to those we have been able to reopen for in Step 2 of the Roadmap (education, parent and child groups and children’s activities)
We look forward to welcoming social events when possible, anticipated in Step 4.
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 12.04.21 10.00am – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
Following the most recent Government update for community venues we are able to welcome back parent and baby/child groups and childrens activities to the John Godber Centre from the 19th April in addition to education and public services we’ve been able to open for in previous steps. For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 26.03.21 3.30pm – this page will be updated regularly
Reopening update
Following the most recent Government announcement we are continuing to review the latest guidance and make plans for a phased reopening from the Spring. All plans are subject to the Governments Roadmap but we hope to reopen from the 19th April at the earliest.
We look forward to welcoming groups, classes and events back when possible.
UPDATE 08.02.21 10.00am – this page will be updated regularly
National Lockdown review dates (exact date to be confirmed by Government)
Following the most recent Government update we’ve changed the date in our diary that the earliest date we might be able to reopen from the 22nd February 2021 to 8th March 2021.
We’ll keep watching the news and Government announcements and once the Governments “roadmap” is announced (expected the week commencing the 22nd February) the leadership team will review and update our plans and communicate to hirers as quickly as possible. We understand there’s a lot of media speculation but until the official guidance is released our ability to plan for reopening again or long term events is restricted.
We are pleased to be able to share that despite such a turbulent year in 2020 we managed to make it through the year without having to use our emergency reserves which will help us through the early part of 2021 until we are able to host events, weddings and parties again, reopen the bars and welcome back all hirers.
This is as a result of many people’s hard work in the past to build our reserves, and the staff team working hard to apply for grants and their support of the furlough scheme and we are confident for our long term future.
Thank you to everyone who supported us during the year and worked with us to safely reopen the venue following the first lockdown, our staff and leadership teams, volunteers and hirers. Also everyone who attended sessions and followed all the measures in place to reduce transmission or supported us from a distance.
We look forward to welcoming groups, classes and hirers back as soon as possible.
UPDATE 05.01.21 6.00pm – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 05.01.21 6.00pm – this page will be updated regularly
National Lockdown – Tuesday 5th January until (exact date to be confirmed by Government)
Following the latest Government announcement that from midnight Tuesday 5th January 2021, due to the increasing cases of Coronavirus, England will return to a National Lockdown. We can confirm that the John Godber Centre will continue to remain closed to the public (as in Tier 4) which is anticipated to be the case until Monday 22nd February at the earliest.
Where necessary in order to open, close and clean the building for essential services, (childcare, education and public services) only two staff members will be onsite in line with our lone working policies, as this work cannot be done from home. All other work (outside of these hours), meetings and tasks will be completed from home, virtually or paused until after National Lockdown. Our office, either onsite or remotely, will still be open to assist with bookings and enquiries throughout Lockdown.
Community centres and halls must close except for a limited number of exempt activities during the National Lockdown. In order to support our community we will open the building, where needed, for existing hirers and permitted activities for education and public services including:
• Tiny Tots Preschool
• 1 to 1 Education tuition of key workers/vulnerable secondary students
• Hosting blood donation sessions
We will continue to utilise the Governments Furlough Scheme and apply for available grants that have helped to financially support the Centre during 2020 and the continuing challenging situation to ensure we continue to remain financially viable and secure long term. We are confident about our long term future and thankful to our staff, leadership teams and hirers for their ongoing support and understanding during these difficult times.
We have full confidence in our own and hirers risk assessments and the measures we have all put in place to keep everyone as secure as possible in the venue and those attending hirer’s activities since returning in June and the various stages of reopening. Together we have a COVID Secure venue and safe activities and we’re sad for the ongoing restrictions, closures and the impact these have, not just to us but across the UK.
More than anything, however, we want everyone to be around to see the Centre, groups, businesses and events reopen fully and flourish and we will do everything necessary to continue to play our part to both support our community and reduce the risks to all.
The Leadership teams will continue to monitor the situation and update plans accordingly. Our hearts and thoughts continue to be with all at this difficult time. We hope all who use and work in the Centre, and their loved ones, continue to be safe and well at this time.
We look forward to the day when tiers and bubbles return to the context of cake and drinks for celebrations and activities here in the John Godber Centre.
Click here, for full, detailed guidance on these restrictions from the Government’s website.
UPDATE 31.12.20 4.00pm – this page will be updated regularly
Tier 4 Restrictions – Thursday 31st December 2020
Following the latest Government announcement Nottinghamshire will move to Tier 4 from midnight on the 31st December.
In line with government guidelines the John Godber Centre (and all groups) will close until further notice. Tiny Tots Preschool will reopen on Monday 4th January as an early years setting, the entrance to which is through the side gate.
In Tier 4 public buildings, community centres and halls must close except for a limited number of exempt activities including:
• Education and Training
• childcare purposes
• supervised activities for children (only where this allows parents to go to work, not children’s activities in general)
• hosting blood donation sessions and food banks
• to provide medical treatment
• for elite sports persons to train and compete (in indoor and outdoor sports facilities), and professional dancers and choreographers to work (in fitness and dance studios)
• for training and rehearsal without an audience (in theatres and concert halls)
• for the purposes of film and TV filming
• support groups
Our office will still be open to assist with bookings and enquiries 8.30am – 4pm Monday to Friday though the building will officially be closed in Tier 4.
We are truly heartbroken for all the groups and hirers who have worked so hard to remain open in Tier 3, those who hoped to reopen again if we went to Tier 2 and those community groups and private hirers who were hoping they would be a step closer to their return.
We have a huge sense of pride working with such committed and understanding hirers who have gone over and above, like us and so many businesses, to be COVID Secure and operate safely this year but through no fault of their own are now forced to close again or remain closed for the greater good.
Thank you to our amazing team who continue to respond, adapt and understand the ever changing restrictions. We all hope to be back and reopen again as soon as possible. Some groups are returning to virtual classes during Tier 4 so do check pages and contact hirers for more information of their plans.
The next review date is the 13th January 2021 and we don’t anticipate being able to reopen until Saturday 16th January at the earliest if there were changes.
We wish you a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing users and hirers again in 2021.
Click here, for full, detailed guidance on these restrictions from the Government’s website.
UPDATE 6.12.20 11.00am – this page will be updated regularly
User Group and Events Update
We’ve updated our What’s On Guide and things to do page with the changes to group activities following the return to Tier 3 and the end of National Restrictions.
Please contact hirers before attending any sessions as advance booking will be required and there may be new timings and instructions to follow in tier 3.
Some groups remain virtual or paused until the new year and some are unable to reopen due to tier 3 restrictions.
Though we can reopen the building sadly the John Godber Centre is not open in the way it was before lockdown, visiting is by appointment or for booked activities only at this time and sadly there is no waiting or queuing possible inside the venue (even in the rain and eventually snow) to help reduce the risk of transmission.
The Centre has reduced its opening hours inline with current bookings and may be closed at certain times until all activities can resume (such as weekends, later opening and earlier closing) Between 22nd December and 4th January the venue will be closed other than for the Slimming World express sessions.
Socials, parties and wedding hire along with community social groups remain paused until further notice inline with government guidance though we’re happy to help with enquiries and to arrange show rounds of the venue for future events, if you’d like to contact us on 0115 963 9633.
UPDATE 4.12.20 10pm – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 27.11.20 7.30pm – this page will be updated regularly
Return to Tiered Restrictions – Nottinghamshire Tier 3
Following yesterday’s government announcement Nottinghamshire has been placed in the VERY HIGH local Covid Alert Level. The tiers have been strengthened so things are different to how they were previously.
The management team have been working closely with hirers and there have been lots of calls and emails during the past few days to make plans for December. Some activities have been forced to close, some can reopen but need to make changes to how they operate and some may wait until new year to resume face to face sessions. Some groups are still waiting for their head offices to clarify things and some can reopen as before national restrictions.
Currently we don’t feel it’s appropriate for us yet to confirm which activities are reopening to enable hirers to finish planning and discuss with their users and members first any changes but we wish to reassure that those that are reopening before Christmas have full risk assessments in place and can continue inline with current guidance.
From Wednesday 2nd December the John Godber Centre will be able to reopen to permitted and returning activities including:
Sadly Exercise and dance classes for adults are not permitted in tier 3 so these classes will remain closed. Community and social activities continue to remain paused along with all celebration events (so our bars continue to remain closed)
We will continue to review updates and risk assessments with hirers inline with formal guidelines and make any necessary changes to our plans where needed to reduce risks of transmission. The safety and wellbeing of all who work and use the venue remains the highest priority of the Centre’s leadership teams and hirers and we continue to work together at this challenging time to deliver classes, groups and activities securely.
Christmas is very different this year but we look forward to 2021 and hopefully the end of restrictions when ALL groups, activities and events can return to our beloved community venue.
UPDATE 5.11.20 9:30am – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 01.11.20 10pm – this page will be updated regularly
National Lockdown – Thursday 5th November to Wednesday 2nd December
It is with great sadness that we confirm following last night’s Government announcement that The John Godber Centre will be closed to the public and hirers who sadly now need to pause their activities from Thursday 5th November to Wednesday 2nd December.
The Centre will remain open for those hirers that wish to continue with their activities Monday 2nd – Wednesday 4th November however it is our preference that activities pause with immediate effect given the seriousness of the numbers advised last night. We will still continue to hire the space to hirers who are booked in as we have confidence in their risk assessments and measures taken to be COVID Secure along with our own to reduce the risk of transmission but we wish to highlight this recommendation.
We appreciate the mental and physical wellbeing of these activities and wish to support them while they are still possible for those who attend so have not restricted access to the facilities for them for existing bookings up to the close of business on Wednesday.
Covid cases are rising and the Government wish everyone to stay home as much as possible to protect the NHS, by reducing our day to day contact with other people we will reduce the spread of the infection.
The Governments update can be read here – Further information will be announced tomorrow but we are all being asked to stay home other than for – childcare and education, to go work, to exercise outdoors or visit an outdoor public place, for any medical concern, shopping for basic necessities and to care for others.
We have reviewed the guidelines and understand our hirers would be required to pause face to face sessions for the duration of the second National Lockdown, only Tiny Tots Preschool will be able to continue for childcare as an early years setting and they intend to operate Monday to Friday 9am-3pm. National Blood Service Donation sessions can be hosted during the lockdown in the venue if needed.
We’re so proud of the work that our leadership and staff teams have done during the past few months to reduce the risk of transmission in the venue and create a welcoming and COVID Secure space and at the forefront of our approach the safety and wellbeing of our staff and all who use the venue has always been our highest priority and this will not change.
We completely understand the need to pause contact between people and though our hirer’s have equally gone to great lengths and expense to create their risk assessments and put in place measures to keep those who attend their sessions secure for all involved and socially distanced everyone is being asked to take this four week break and stay at home
Fundamentally, the Centre will remain open for the childcare provision in Tiny Tots, so our building is still open in some way, operating, and serving the community for which it was envisaged and given. St Mary Magdalene Church and Canon John Godber’s vision lives on over a century after it was first imagined, and that is the product of all the hard work and dedication shown by all who have an association with the John Godber Centre. We will get through this next phase of covid measures and subsequent ones whatever they may be and we believe we will all come out the other side, stronger for those who need us.
UPDATE 30.10.20 9pm – this page will be updated regularly
Nottinghamshire Tier 3 Update and John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
As you’re aware from today Nottinghamshire is now in a Tier 3+ Very High Alert Level from 30th October for 28 days. Thank you to those who have spoken to us already and done their own due diligence in looking at the implications of this. Nottinghamshire’s restrictions are very different to other Tier 3 areas with additional measures in place and we’ve had to take time to check that we can continue to host groups and activities and also consider our own thoughts to the guidance.
Our concern is that the Government and local councils have purposefully stopped short of instructing community venues like ours and the businesses who use them to cease and we are all now forced to make judgement calls on whether we should continue. We thus find ourselves in the difficult position of having to make a moral judgement. For the John Godber Centre since the beginning it has never been primarily about the finances, the Centre is not making any profit from reopening at the current time and at the forefront of our approach the safety and wellbeing of our staff and all who use the venue has always been our highest priority and this will not change.
We have full confidence in our risk assessment and the measures we have put in place to keep everyone as secure as possible and that our team are going over and above to ensure these measures are followed at all times. We know the steps our hirers have taken to create their risk assessments and put in place measures to keep those who attend their sessions secure for all involved. Together we have a COVID Secure venue and safe activities operating and for the mental and physical wellbeing of those who attend them we have chosen to take the following approach.
The John Godber Centre will remain partially open for the following activities, which Ashfield District Council have confirmed we are able to continue to hire to for those hirers who wish to continue and their users are happy to attend :
We do feel having reviewed all the measures Nottinghamshire have specified for their tier 3+ level that further steps could be taken to help reduce the risk further in the venue. Therefore from today the front doors of the building (or rear entrance doors) will need to be closed and locked and hirers should collect their waiting users from the entrance to the venue and everyone will need to be directed to enter one by one and MUST take a seat or an allocated area, spot or mat that is clearly marked when they enter the room to further reduce the risk of mixing with others.
At the end of the session hirers should disperse their users one by one to avoid mingling and interaction with other households at the end of the session and that everyone leaves separately but immediately. This step we feel is crucial and in line with the businesses such as theatres, cinemas, places of worship and restaurants that have been able to remain open with allocated seats but museums, indoor tourist attractions etc. have had to close where visitors freely move around even with distance measures in place. We hope hirers and users will understand why we are insisting on this additional measure and understand it is only for the duration of the tier 3+ measures. We understand that everyone has already played their part to reduce transmission and keep distance already but this extra control measure means we can all be more confident that there’s no social interaction between individuals and everyone continues to keep distance from others before and after activities.
We will do our best to support this operationally but sadly if hirers are not able to agree to this (which the majority of hirers already have such plans in place) or do not continue to implement this recommendation we will have no choice but to ask the activity to pause during the tier 3+ very high alert level. We feel this is the best step we can take to do our part in the spirit of what the councils are trying to achieve in addition to the robust risk assessments and measures we all already have in place.
To hirers we also recommend:
We have worked hard to take all practical and reasonable steps to create a COVID Secure venue and our hardworking and dedicated team continue to ensure we provide a welcoming venue and follow all the measures required of them. Our Operating Board and Church Leadership continue to monitor changing guidance and for all of us our overwhelming wish is to reduce the risks to those who use and work in the venue. We have a number of groups and activities that remain paused, or have had to cease their activities again which is hard on a number of attendees who are now isolated from others.
More than anything we want everyone to be around to see the Centre reopen fully and flourish and we will do everything necessary to play our part to both support our community and reduce the risks to all. If this requires us to close the venue we will do so but at the current time we will remain partially open only if the above steps are taken during phase 3+ very high alert in Nottinghamshire and the council continue to permit such activities taking place.
Kim Pears, Centre Manager, will continue to liaise with hirers individually on how best to manage these new steps and discuss any concerns directly.
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment with the changes for Tier 3.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 01.10.20 9:30am – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 22.8.20 9:30am – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 15.8.20 9:30am – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 7.8.20 9:30am – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 1.8.20 9:30am – this page will be updated regularly
John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment
For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment.
In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed.
Please click the image below to view or download the document.
UPDATE 24.7.20 9:30am – this page will be updated regularly
Latest Government guidance on Face Coverings and how this applies to the John Godber Centre
From today (Friday 24th July) face coverings are now mandatory in additional enclosed public spaces including shops, supermarkets, shopping centres and transport hubs.
Wearing a face covering is NOT mandatory in other venues that have measures in place to protect staff and the public from COVID-19.
The John Godber Centre, as a community venue has worked with hirers and staff to create a robust risk assessment of control measures to reduce the risk of transmission in the venue, with social distance and increased hygiene procedures in place, and at the current time masks are not mandatory for those working and visiting the building. However, we fully support staff, hirers and members of the public wearing them in the venue.
• wash your hands or use hand sanitiser before putting one on or taking it off
• avoid taking it off and putting it back on again a lot in quick succession
• store it in a plastic bag in between washes or wearing (avoid putting on surfaces in the venue)
• avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth while wearing one
• if asked to remove your mask for identifying purposes by staff or hirers you kindly support this request and do so (even if you return to the outside of the venue to do so)
We are continually reviewing the guidance as it is released, and individual groups may have their own policies in place for activities in their rooms regarding face coverings as part of their own individual risk assessment, so please check in advance with your hirer.
Please be kind and respectful to all, the venue is used by many (including many of those exempt from wearing coverings) and we wish to be welcoming and supportive to all and understanding of individual situations and anxieties at this time.
Over the coming weeks as we reopen the venue to more groups and the public, we will review our risk assessments and measures and make changes if necessary.
Staff safety and wellbeing, and that of all who visit and use the venue is our highest priority. We hope people understand our acceptance of the Government guidance relating to face coverings in venues that have measures in place to protect staff and the public from COVID-19 and as an employer keep all risks to staff as low as possible.
UPDATE 9.7.20 9:30am – this page will be updated regularly
Reopening of the John Godber Centre
As these uncertain times continue, we write to up-date you on the plans we are making for reopening the John Godber Centre. From the 4th July community venues are able to reopen if they are able to be made COVID Secure but only for some types of activities.
Our venue is many things, a place of celebration, a place of community, a place of business and alongside the guidance we need to implement for our multi use venue to keep staff and users safe we also need to ensure we protect finances and remain in a financially stable position to protect employment and charitable aims long term.
We feel confident our building can be made COVID Secure and are working on these plans now ready to welcome our staff and users back and take all reasonable steps to do this and reduce the risk of transmission for those who work and use the venue.
We welcome the news that community venues can reopen but unfortunately some hirers are not yet able to return due to restrictions placed on them by the Government guidelines or it’s not viable for them to return yet.
• Social and support groups and clubs, face to face meetings, youth groups, indoor markets, places of worship and office spaces can return to multi use venues if groups follow the appropriate guidelines and undertake a risk assessment for their own activities prior to returning.
• Sadly a number of activities are not able to return including fitness, exercise, dance classes, drama, theatre, music and singing groups and performances which need to remain paused and are unable to go ahead at this time.
• Social gatherings such as parties, events and wedding receptions are not yet able to take place so our bars, which help generate a large proportion of our income, also need to remain closed for the foreseeable future.
We have been fortunate to receive some financial support through the Government schemes which we are truly grateful for and has helped us stay in a secure position so we are confident about our future but we feel, like many businesses, we need to remain cautious in our approach to the coming months and reopening the Centre to ensure we remain this way.
Much care and thought has gone into our plans but we feel, at this time, we are unable to fully open the Centre as it was before until the start of September at the earliest. We will be gradually welcoming some groups back during the summer on a limited number of days and times and our staff will begin to return, part time, over the coming weeks. During August many groups take holidays and pause their activities so this is a quieter time for us each year but with the loss of revenues we have seen to date with no rents, bar or events income received and the challenges we face through the Autumn/Winter with a number of events already needing to postpone or cancel due to the limited preparation time they will have (even if measures are eased in September) we feel our phased reopening plan will ensure we protect our reserves long term and can prepare the venue and staff for groups returning in September and look forward to 2021 and beyond. Our phased reopening will be –
• During July we will remain open Monday to Friday 8.30am-4pm for our preschool who returned in June. Weight Watchers intend to return with their new Express Sessions from the 10th July and those activities that are able to take place during these times could resume. From our customer survey not many can or will yet.
• During August we will extend our hire to two evenings per week, Monday and Thursday and Saturday mornings. Slimming World intend to resume their face to face sessions from the 10th August with smaller group sessions. If wedding receptions are possible we hope our brides and grooms who are still holding their current dates can go ahead with their plans for their special days with their loved ones. Those activities that are able to take place during these times could resume if they wish or with temporary date changes.
• From September we will extend our hire to include Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings where we hope to welcome back fitness and dance sessions and more social groups and performing activities, if they feel ready to return and guidance changes permit. If social gatherings are able to safely go ahead we hope to be able to resume hosting weekend events and parties in line with government guidance and welcome back our Children’s worship groups from St Mary Magdalene Church when schools return, if possible.
• Currently there are no updates about larger events such as the monthly jumble sale, Christmas Market, New Years Eve Party or Hucknall Beer Festival though our first Hucknall Gin Festival planned for September will be postponed.
We hope our groups support our plans and understand a lot of time, care and thought has gone into ensuring we adhere to the guidance and protect our team, users and charitable aims.
The John Godber Centre has been here to support our community as a place to meet and socialise for 113 years and we intend for it to remain here, long beyond our years, for future generations to enjoy their life events and activities.
As the current guardians for the building we feel this approach is the most responsible and sustainable way, for us, to reopen the venue at this time and continue the vision of Canon Godber. We would love nothing more than to reopen our doors fully and welcome everyone back but this is not practical or viable to do immediately, and not all can or wish to return yet. We will continually review our plans and changes to guidance and update as appropriate.
Thank you for the kind words and support we have received so far and everyone’s ongoing co-operation and understanding as we all find a way through the unknown and we look forward to a time when our groups, events and staff all return.
UPDATE 20.3.20 11am – this page will be updated regularly
After our final booking this evening the John Godber Centre will sadly close its doors for at least the next 4 weeks to the public. EXCEPT FOR BLOOD SERVICE SESSIONS WHICH WILL GO AHEAD (25th March).
We will continue to review the government, public health and Church guidelines but at the present time none of us know when this will end and we are taking each day as it comes and will review the situation formally in two weeks.
Our hearts are truly broken and we will miss all our regular groups and meetings, the many celebrations, weddings and socials that were planned during this time and those events who are impacted further in the year by current events.
We’re devastated about the decisions we’ve had to make this week and the position we’ve found ourselves in for our team, our users and our longer term future but equally our hearts break and go out to the many who have had to make tough and sad choices and the long term impact this will have on businesses, groups and individuals.
The loss of time with family and friends at life events, the weekly support and learning at groups and lessons, the skills developed and confidence, passion, achievements, commitment that we see in those who come here are now put on hold and this has truly broken our spirit this week and we have cried for the losses to so many.
We need to all remain kind and remember this isn’t forever and we must be compassionate and sympathetic to the situations others.
We will be open again as soon as we are able to and our regular bookings return.
Our team will be monitoring messages and emails remotely and will be undertaking deep cleans and maintenance tasks whilst we’re quiet. We will also be supporting church opening where possible and catching up on those to do lists.
We recommend email as the best form of communication with a contact number so we can return your call but the voicemail will be checked as often as possible.
Please be patient with us regarding admin we’re a small team and will be working around childcare arrangements as well. We realise there are other bookings coming up who will want to talk to us and we’re encouraged to still be receiving enquiries at this time.
Though our doors may be closed our team are still here and if anyone is in need at anytime please get in touch with us we’re still here for our local community even if we can’t serve you in the normal way we do.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back as soon as possible.
UPDATE 17.3.20 5pm – this page will be updated regularly
From the bottom of our hearts we want to start by saying thank you for the support from our regular users, hirers, volunteers, Church leaders, operating board and our hardworking teams at this difficult time.
Like many we have considered last night’s recommendations from the Government and Public Health England with much thought and consideration alongside, for us, the update received this afternoon from Church of England (we are the Church Hall for St. Mary Magdalene, Hucknall) Over the last 48 hours we have had a large number of business and community cancellations and postponements to hire at the John Godber Centre, many made before and some after last night’s announcement.
Today after many discussions and considerations for the wellbeing of our teams and users the following will now be implemented at the John Godber Centre:
*All social gatherings (community groups, parties, socials and events) will be postponed for the next 4 weeks. We have now spoken to, or advised, all private hire and regular community groups who had not previously made a decision to cancel or postpone, of this. During the next four weeks we are unfortunately unable to host any parties, socials or community social gatherings. This decision has not been taken lightly, and has truly caused some heartache to make. We want to celebrate these life events and occasions with those who have chosen the John Godber Centre as the venue to do so and those who visit us weekly, fortnightly, monthly for their community groups and sessions which we know are an important social outreach to many.
*All Church services and gatherings held in the John Godber Centre have been advised to be put on hold at this time (Bible Studies, Church Next Door, Baptism Prep, Church Bookings, Quiz, Men’s Breakfast, Time for Us, Mothers Union and Church Next Door)
*The monthly Jumble Sale, the Church and Centres largest fundraiser for projects funds, will be cancelled for the next 3 months (April, May, and June) During the next 12 weeks, sadly, the Centre will be unable to accept jumble donations during this time. This is due to the Centres limited storage space and reduced availability of the, much loved and valued, team of jumble volunteers, who sadly won’t be able to continue with this activity during this time.
*The John Godber Centre is not just a social venue, we are also home to a preschool, and a number of dance schools and drama academies who, like schools, remain open. Like us these organisations take their responsibilities seriously and whilst the schools remain open they will continue to be open for their students with enhanced hygiene procedures in place.
However to reduce the risk to all parents are not advised to wait in the John Godber Centre and in some cases have been requested to not enter the settings for the safety of children. The waiting areas in the Centre will not be available during the coming weeks for this reason. We thank all parents for their understanding as the Centre and schools attempt to do their best to reduce the risk for all students and the wider John Godber Centre users network.
*Non-essential meetings are advised to be cancelled but we will be open (unless advised otherwise) for businesses, education groups and training for essential meetings (however provision of refreshment facilities have been reviewed) A number of businesses have made the decision to cancel groups and meetings following last night’s announcements in the interest of their customers wellbeing.
*National Blood Service sessions will go ahead (18th and 25th March) as a much needed and necessary public health need. Where other venues cancel donation sessions, due to their own wellbeing requirements, we have offered to host these cancelled sessions if needed.
*Access to the John Godber Centre toilets is for hirers and their guests/students/visitors only. The venue, as it always has been, is not a public toilet facility. We will always do our best to help those in need but in order to ensure the wellbeing for all we do feel the need to highlight this in the interest of our users and teams wellbeing and safety.
We will review the above formally in two weeks, specifically relating to private hire bookings after the 14th April, however anyone with events after this time who may wish to make changes prior to this review or have any concerns are advised to call and speak to Kim.
The John Godber Centre is home to many community groups, businesses, private hire events, Church groups, and the pre-school. We wish to reiterate that we take seriously the responsibility for the wellbeing of our team and visitors and our team in particular have played a large part in thoughts today alongside our responsibility to ensure the viability of the businesses that work from our venue and our duty of care to all who use the building.
We will post and pin a list of group cancellations to our social media pages (links below this paragraph), but please check with your hirer, leader, teacher, consultant for their individual session updates.
Click here for Facebook updates
Click here for Twitter updates
We are deeply touched by the kindness, generosity and understanding shown to us today as we’ve had to make some difficult and heart-breaking decisions and we were particularly touched by those who offered to continue to support the Centre, understanding the financially challenging and moral position we faced as a registered charity.
To those who made decisions before we completed our own reviews we are grateful for your time and feedback and your own heartfelt decisions.
Our opening times will be altered over the coming weeks and we may close for a period in line with school closures and further advice but where this happens we will still have access to phones and email for enquiries and messages. We are also looking to support the Church of England preference to keep Churches open for all and our team members may move in their workplace, temporarily, to St Mary Magdalene Church, Hucknall, a true asset to Hucknall and its community whilst we have no groups and hirers in the Centre.
We thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for the encouraging well wishes and consideration at this challenging time and our thoughts and prayers are with all at this difficult time.
UPDATE 16.3.20 5pm
The welfare of all our user groups, visitors and staff here at The John Godber Centre remains our highest priority. We are continuing to follow Government, Public Health, NHS, and Church of England (as the Church Hall for St. Mary Magdalene, Hucknall) advice and recommendations on Coronavirus and are closely monitoring this developing situation on a daily basis.
The NHS website has a dedicated webpage providing a wealth of information, including symptoms, how Coronavirus is spread, and what you can do to avoid catching or spreading germs.
The UK government also has a dedicated webpage providing further information and guidance on this global outbreak, including advice for those travelling to and from affected areas.
The John Godber Centre is home to a large number of groups with many young, elderly, and vulnerable members along with our dedicated team of staff and volunteers.
Please support us to ensure the wellbeing of all by following any recommendations made about how we can all help to prevent the spread of viruses:
• covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
• putting used tissues in the bin immediately
• washing your hands with soap and water often – (our staff are increasing the monitoring of supplies in the Centre toilets but please contact reception if you notice supplies are low so we can replace)
• trying to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
• if you are showing symptoms please remain at home and follow government recommendations
• If you are worried about any symptoms, please call NHS 111.
We have displayed public health notices at both entrances to the building and are sharing where you can get the latest information and guidance from, regarding the Coronavirus, frequently on our media pages.
The John Godber Centre is a registered charity and we are following updates daily to ensure we are implementing appropriate procedures in line with current guidelines. Our staff have been briefed on their responsibilities and new or increased requirements regarding hygiene to help keep all safe.
At the present time there is no guidance to cancel services or events and we are taking steps to mitigate the risk to those using and working in the building, and sharing public guidance. We have a responsibility to ensure the viability of the charity for our employees, users, and to deliver the services that equally allow our hirers to do the same and support our local community, but also we take seriously the responsibility for the wellbeing of our team and visitors.
If the situation changes, we will notify all affected customers immediately and would encourage all users to ensure we have their most up to date contact details to enable us to notify them quickly. Please check with your teacher, consultant, leader or hirer, in case they have made the personal decision to cancel their activities.
We are a small team and whilst we are fit and well and guidance is that there is no need to cancel events or close, we are mitigating the risks and following the advice of the above bodies so that the John Godber Centre can remain open.
We do encourage the support of our visitors to follow advice previously posted on our media pages and displayed in the Centre. Please help ensure the wellbeing of all by following this advice in respect of your own personal hygiene and care.
We will continue to review our procedures in line with recommendations and advice. In difficult times like these, decisions are never easy and we hold everyone dearly in our thoughts and prayers.