6 results for tag: Risk Assessment

Updated Face coverings Guidance for the John Godber Centre

From Friday 10th December as a community venue the wearing of face coverings by the public, and staff in public facing areas, will be mandatory in the John Godber Centre unless exempt. Copying previous advice - people are expected to wear a face covering BEFORE entering a community building and must keep it on UNTIL they leave (and have exited the building) unless there is a reasonable excuse for removing it. As the Government releases guidance for each sector hirers will update their customers/guests on their own rules and guidelines for their activities within their hired rooms. Within the public areas however face coverings should be worn ...

Lifting of Restrictions from 19th July

Reopening of the John Godber Centre – Lifting of Restrictions from 19th July We’re pleased to hear of the lifting of restrictions from the 19th July following the latest Government announcement and appreciate the lifting of legal restrictions will be both a relief and a cause of anxiety to many. The John Godber Centre leadership teams have been reviewing and discussing the latest information and our plans for the coming months and how best we can support all who use and work in the John Godber Centre. COVID-19 has not gone away and cases remain high and rising in the community and the building is well used by various age groups, types of ...

Updated Covid-19 Risk Assessment May 21

Updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment 10.00am 18.05.21 For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment. In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed. Please click the image below to view or ...

Updated Covid-19 Risk Assessment April 21

Updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment 10.00am 12.04.21 For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment. In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed. Please click the image below to view or ...

Updated Covid-19 Risk Assessment Jan 21

Updated John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment 05.01.21 For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment. In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed. Please click the image below to view or ...

Publication of our Covid-19 Risk Assessment

John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment For your information, and reassurance that we are undertaking all that we can and must, to protect users and staff, please find attached the John Godber Centre Covid-19 Risk Assessment. In compiling this document, the Government’s guidance for multipurpose community venues has been used alongside information from ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and Church of England’s guidance (as the Church Hall) Guidance for other industries (hospitality, visitor and heritage sites, offices and workplaces) have also been reviewed. Please click the image below to view or download the document....