Coronavirus information and Centre use
We understand that this is a worrying time so would like to thank our customers for their continued support. We would like to reassure everyone that we are currently open as normal for groups, classes, parties, and events.
The welfare of all our user groups, visitors and staff here at The John Godber Centre remains our highest priority. We are continuing to follow Government, Public Health, NHS, and Church of England (as the Church Hall for St. Mary Magdalene, Hucknall) advice and recommendations on Coronavirus and are closely monitoring this developing situation on a daily basis.
The NHS website has a dedicated webpage providing a wealth of information, including symptoms, how Coronavirus is spread, and what you can do to avoid catching or spreading germs.
The UK government also has a dedicated webpage providing further information and guidance on this global outbreak, including advice for those travelling to and from affected areas.
The John Godber Centre is home to a large number of groups with many young, elderly, and vulnerable members along with our dedicated team of staff and volunteers.
Please support us to ensure the wellbeing of all by following any recommendations made about how we can all help to prevent the spread of viruses:
• covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
• putting used tissues in the bin immediately
• washing your hands with soap and water often – (our staff are increasing the monitoring of supplies in the Centre toilets but please contact reception if you notice supplies are low so we can replace)
• trying to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
• if you are showing symptoms please remain at home and follow government recommendations
• If you are worried about any symptoms, please call NHS 111.
We have displayed public health notices at both entrances to the building and are sharing where you can get the latest information and guidance from, regarding the Coronavirus, frequently on our media pages.
The John Godber Centre is a registered charity and we are following updates daily to ensure we are implementing appropriate procedures in line with current guidelines. Our staff have been briefed on their responsibilities and new or increased requirements regarding hygiene to help keep all safe.
At the present time there is no guidance to cancel services or events and we are taking steps to mitigate the risk to those using and working in the building, and sharing public guidance. We have a responsibility to ensure the viability of the charity for our employees, users, and to deliver the services that equally allow our hirers to do the same and support our local community, but also we take seriously the responsibility for the wellbeing of our team and visitors.
If the situation changes, we will notify all affected customers immediately and would encourage all users to ensure we have their most up to date contact details to enable us to notify them quickly. Please check with your teacher, consultant, leader or hirer, in case they have made the personal decision to cancel their activities.
We are a small team and whilst we are fit and well and guidance is that there is no need to cancel events or close, we are mitigating the risks and following the advice of the above bodies so that the John Godber Centre can remain open.
We do encourage the support of our visitors to follow advice previously posted on our media pages and displayed in the Centre. Please help ensure the wellbeing of all by following this advice in respect of your own personal hygiene and care.
We will continue to review our procedures in line with recommendations and advice. In difficult times like these, decisions are never easy and we hold everyone dearly in our thoughts and prayers.