Summer 2019 refurbishment works

An open letter to Centre users from the Centre Manager, in respect of the upcoming summer refurbishment programme, 2019:

Dear Centre Users,
John Godber Centre Summer 2019 Refurbishment Works

What are we doing?
I am pleased to be able to confirm that we will be beginning our third phase of refurbishment works from our 5-year plan this summer, which will include:

  • New ceiling for the Main Hall with improved lighting, hearing loop and built in PA system
  • Refurbishment of the first floor kitchen with improved new user friendly layout and installation of a dumbwaiter to support the Centres operations between the two floors
  • Redecoration of the ground floor corridor including new carpeting with a damp course and membrane installed to the walls along both sides of the corridors
  • New room and directional signage

When are the works taking place and what will happen during the works?
The works have been confirmed as taking place between the 11th August through to the 20th September when the Centre is quieter as many regular groups take holidays. Due to the specialist nature of the works and the Centres booking profile it has proved difficult to schedule these works and unfortunately, in order to accommodate the time it will take to complete the works we do need to make some alterations to the Centres normal operations:

  • 11th-27th August – no access to the ground floor corridor. Alternative routes to rooms have been advised to lead hirers in advance and only the first floor toilets will be accessible during this time in order for the damp works to take place.
  • 11th – 27th August – no access through the rear corridor or Main Hall whilst the Main Hall Ceiling and First Floor Kitchen works take place. This includes the jumble room.
  • 27th August – 20th September – the ground floor corridor will be in a stage of refurbishment so will be undecorated and the carpet will be in a poor condition for a period of time between these dates. Access will be available to the rooms and toilets during this time but the corridor will not be aesthetically pleasing until the redecoration works take place once the plaster has dried and are completed by the 20th September.
  • Jumble Donations – Unfortunately, our ability to accept jumble donations will be limited during this period as there will be no safe access to the jumble room or alternative storage areas whilst contractors are working. The Jumblers are working with the team on alternative plans but we would encourage any larger clearances to take place prior to the 10th August or after the 23rd August when the larger works have been completed to avoid much needed donations being turned away.
  • Opening Hours – The Centre will be open for all booked regular sessions as normal but closed to the public on the 11th, 18th and 25th August and will be closing earlier on some days during the works, a copy of our opening hours over the summer period will be displayed in the building.

We would like to apologise in advance for the noise, drilling and dust around the building during these works to all our visitors and users and we hopefully anticipate that this will not cause undue disruption (though the peak of noise will be the first few days of the projects).

The work has been scheduled to try to keep the disruption to our Users to a minimum and we thank everyone for their co-operation during these much-needed refurbishments that will further improve the Centre for all its users and the wider community for generations to come. Scheduling building works is never easy, particularly for the ground floor where we have four function rooms off the corridor that require work.

How are we funding the works?
The John Godber Centre is very fortunate to have built up financial reserves over the years from the ongoing support of its regular users and private hirers of the Centre. The Centre is a registered charity (part of The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Hucknall Torkard, charity number 1132272) and income from the hire of its rooms, events packages and proceeds from the bars that operate in the Centre are enabling us to undertake this 5-year plan of works.

In addition to our income streams, funding has been received from the following donors, which will be spent during 2019 on these works:
St Mary Magdalene Jumble Sale
Nottinghamshire Building Society
Councillor Irvine
John Eastwood Trust
Byron Lodge
Gray Trust
Beauvale Trust
Hucknall Relief in Need
Councillor Murphy
St Marys Trading Company

These funding donations and the continuing hire of the Centre by our regular users for groups and classes, the community for weddings, parties, christening receptions and businesses for meetings and events have all contributed to our reserves that will enable us to undertake these large improvement works to the Centre this summer.

Should you have any concerns regarding the refurbishment works please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,

Kim Pears
Centre Manager and Community and Groups Facilitator
0115 963 9633

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